Fields-of-Practice Competency Exams

Exam Overview


The CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments (Examinations) are designed to:

  • Evaluate the competencies outlined in the CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Profiles that are required for safe and effective entry-level practice.
  • Provide an assessment framework that allows applicants to pursue registration in one or multiple fields of practice.
  • Standardize the exam process to ensure consistency, reliability, and fairness for all applicants, regardless of their educational background.
  • Help address the critical shortage of MLTs in Canada by streamlining the registration process for qualified professionals, increasing the supply of competent MLTs in the healthcare system.

Audience: Who should take the field-of-practice competency assessments (examinations)?

Applicants seeking to practice in Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Saskatchewan

Once the CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments (Examinations) take effect, they will be required for all applicants seeking registration to practice as Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) in the following provinces where the profession is regulated:

  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Saskatchewan

Applicants seeking to practice in British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, or Alberta

British Columbia: Medical Laboratory Technologists are not regulated in British Columbia. MLTs seeking to practice in British Columbia should contact potential employers for their requirements.

Territories: Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut: Medical Laboratory Technologists are not regulated in the Territories. Employers in the Territories have agreed to recognize the CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments (Examinations).

Quebec: The regulator of medical laboratory technologists in Quebec is a member of CAMLPR. However, MLTs in Quebec follow a different registration pathway and should contact  L’Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux du Québec (OPTMQ)  for examination and registration requirements.

Alberta: MLTs seeking to practice in Alberta, where Medical Laboratory Technologists are regulated, should contact the College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) for examination and registration requirements.

Applicant Categories

In the participating jurisdictions, the CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments (Examinations) will be required of all categories of applicants, including:

  • Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists (IEMLTs): Individuals who have completed their medical laboratory science education outside of Canada and are seeking registration to practice as MLTs in Canada.
  • Canadian-Educated Applicants with MLT Education: Graduates of CAMLPR-approved Canadian Medical Laboratory Technology programs (Health Standards Organization (HSO) EQual-accredited, accredited with condition, or registered medical laboratory technology program) who are pursuing entry-to-practice registration in Canada.
  • Applicants with Non-traditional Education: Applicants holding non-traditional academic qualifications (e.g., BSc, MSc, PhD) related to medical laboratory science and who are who are pursuing entry-to-practice registration in Canada.

Individuals who are already registered to practice as Medical Laboratory Technologists in Canada or already employed as MLTs in non-regulated jurisdictions (British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and the Yukon) will not be required to take the CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments (Examinations).

When will the competency assessments (examinations) take effect?

Beginning November 1, 2025, all internationally educated medical laboratory technologists (IEMLTs) and non-traditionally educated applicants (BSc, MSc, PhD) must follow the CAMLPR Pathways application and registration processes. These include prior learning assessments and competency assessments (entry-to-practice exam).

Beginning March 1, 2026, CAMLPR will administer the CAMLPR competency assessments (examinations) to all registration applicants, including those educated in Canada, based on the new CAMLPR fields-of-practice competency profiles.

Exam Scope

Fields of Practice

Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT) applicants can take competency assessments (examinations) in one or more of the following fields of practice:

  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Hematology
  • Transfusion Medicine (Science)
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Histology
  • Cytology: Gynecologic and Non-gynecologic
  • Cytogenetics
  • Molecular Diagnostics

Applicants can also take ‘bundled’ examinations that include several field-of-practice assessments in a single exam session. The bundles will include:

Examination BundleNumber of FieldsFields of Practice in Exam Session
MLT Core Lab3• Clinical Chemistry
• Hematology
• Transfusion Medicine(Science)
MLT Core Lab and
Clinical Microbiology 
4• Clinical Chemistry
• Hematology
• Transfusion Medicine(Science)
• Clinical Microbiology
MLT General5• Clinical Chemistry
• Hematology
• Transfusion Medicine(Science)
• Clinical Microbiology
• Histology
MLT Diagnostic Cytology2• Cytology (Gynecologic and Non-Gynecologic Cytology)
• Histology
MLT Clinical Genetics2• Cytogenetics
• Molecular Diagnostics

Applicants may also choose to take multiple fields-of-practice competency assessments across multiple exam sessions. Exam fees will vary based on the combination of fields selected.

MLT applicants who meet the educational and professional requirements for each field and pass the relevant exam can apply to be registered in each field of practice where they have demonstrated competency.

If an applicant takes a bundled exam and does not pass all fields, they may still apply for registration in the fields they successfully passed. However, they must retake and pass the remaining fields to be eligible for registration in those areas.

Selecting the Number of Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments

Applicants can pursue competency assessment (examinations) and registration in any one of the eight fields of practice or in several fields.

Competency assessments (examinations) will be available individually for each field of practice or as pre-defined “bundled” exams covering multiple fields.

In provinces where Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) are regulated, employers specify the required field-of-practice designations on an MLT’s registration for job eligibility. In unregulated jurisdictions, employers indicate the field-of-practice exams that candidates must pass to qualify for employment.

Potential applicants are cautioned that pursuing only limited fields of practice may limit their employment opportunities. Many employers require their employees to hold registration in multiple fields of practice. For instance, MLT employers may specify that employees have the MLT General designation [Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Transfusion Medicine (Science), Clinical Microbiology, and Histology]. Applicants for registration as General MLTs must demonstrate the required education and successfully complete the examinations in these five fields. If, for example, applicants successfully complete the examination in only three of the five fields, they will be able to seek registration to practice in the three successfully completed fields while they continue their studies to successfully complete examinations in the remaining two fields of practice.

It is recommended that applicants take the MLT General bundled examination [Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Transfusion Medicine (Science), Clinical Microbiology, and Histology] for maximum employability.

Exam Content

The CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments (Examinations) are structured to evaluate the competencies of MLTs in the field(s) of practice in which they are seeking registration and employment.


Competency assessment (examination) questions, also called items, are based on the CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Profiles. The assessments in each field-of- practice follow the structure of the competency profiles and will address:

  • Specimen Collection
  • Preparation and Testing
  • Evaluation and Interpretation
  • Reporting and Communication
  • Equipment and Resources
  • Safety
  • Professionalism
  • Quality Assurance

Each exam includes questions about field-specific competencies and competencies shared across multiple fields of practice.

Questions will focus on high-frequency knowledge in a field of practice.

Question Format

The CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments (Examinations) will consist of multiple-choice questions, including questions based on images and case studies. Test takers will be required to select the best answer from the options provided.

Weighting of Content Areas

Examination questions (items) in each field of practice will be distributed as follows:

Item Distribution (Approximate Percentage)  
Specimen Collection15%15%15%8%10%10%8%8%
Preparation & Testing20%20%20%25%35%20%18%25%
Quality Assurance10%10%10%5%10%5%5%5%

The competency groups include the competencies described in the CAMLPR Fields-of- Practice Competency Profiles.

Some questions will address multiple competencies.

Questions in each field-of-practice examination will assess:

  • Declarative (theoretical) knowledge (approximately 60% of questions): Declarative knowledge encompasses facts and information that can be articulated and shared. In medical laboratory technology, this includes understanding theoretical concepts such as the purpose of specific tests, the interpretation of results, human biology, and laboratory safety protocols. This type of knowledge is crucial because it provides the “what” and “why” behind the procedures and practices used in the laboratory.
  • Practical knowledge (approximately 40% of questions): Practical knowledge, on the other hand, involves the hands-on skills required to perform tasks. It addresses the “how” and “when” aspects of laboratory work, such as how to operate and maintain equipment, conduct experiments, and ensure that safety protocols are followed. Practical knowledge is typically acquired through experience and practice.

Although questions are categorized as assessing either declarative or practical knowledge, the distinction is often blurred because practical application frequently relies on a solid grasp of theoretical principles. For instance, even a question designed to assess hands-on skills may require knowledge of underlying theories to arrive at the correct answer. Conversely, questions aimed at theoretical understanding may involve scenarios where practical implications must be considered. This overlap reflects the reality that declarative and practical knowledge are deeply interconnected in the field of medical laboratory technology.

Number of Questions and Examination Duration

Number of questions and duration: Each field-of-practice competency assessment (examination) will contain 60 items (questions), with 60 minutes provided for completion. The exception is the Cytology (gynecologic and non-gynecologic) exam, which will include 120 questions with 120 minutes provided for completion. If a test taker is writing a bundled fields-of-practice examination, the number of questions and duration will depend on the number of fields.

Breaks: For applicants taking bundled fields-of-practice exams in one session, 15- minute breaks will be provided between each exam. They Cytology exam will also have a 15-minute break during the exam.

Exam day duration: On exam day, test takers should expect:

  • Check-in and Setup Time: This includes the time required for test takers to check into the exam session, complete identity verification and security checks, and get set up before starting the exam.
  • Exam session duration: The exam session duration includes the total time for answering questions and any scheduled breaks.

The following table summarizes the different types of exams, number of questions, and exam session duration. It does not include check-in and setup time.

Competency Assessment (Examination)Fields of Practice in Exam SessionNumber of questionsExam Time for QuestionsNumber of Breaks (15 minutes each)Total Exam Session Duration*
One of:
• Clinical Chemistry,
• Hematology
• Transfusion Medicine
• Clinical Microbiology
• Histology
• Cytogenetics
• Molecular Diagnostics
160 questions per field60 minutes per field01 hour
Cytology (Gynecological and Non-gynecological)1120 questions120 minutes12.25 hours
MLT Clinical Genetics:
• Cytogenetics
• Molecular Diagnostics
260 questions per field60 minutes per field12.25 hours
MLT Diagnostic Cytology
• Cytology (Gynecological and Non-gynecological)
• Histology
2120 questions (cytology) + 60 questions (histology)120 minutes (cytology) + 60 minutes (histology)23.5 hours
MLT Core Lab
• Clinical Chemistry
• Hematology
• Transfusion Medicine
360 questions per field60 minutes per field23.5 hours
MLT Core Lab and
Clinical Microbiology 
• Clinical Chemistry
• Hematology
• Transfusion Medicine
• Clinical Microbiology
460 questions per field60 minutes per field34.75 hours
MLT General
• Clinical Chemistry
• Hematology
• Transfusion Medicine
• Clinical Microbiology
• Histology
560 questions per field60 minutes per field46 hours

*The exam session duration includes time for answering exam questions and breaks but does not include check-in and setup time.

Exam Languages

All exams will be available in English and French.

Competency Assessment (Examination)

Development and Review Process

Subject matter experts, nominated by CAMLPR, are playing a key role in creating and ensuring questions accurately assess the relevant competencies in each field of practice. The questions will be regularly reviewed and revised to reflect advancements in medical laboratory technology, healthcare practices, and professional standards. This process will help maintain the currency and relevance of the examinations.

Exam Scoring

Field-of-Practice Passing Requirements

Applicants taking competency assessments in multiple fields of practice must pass each field separately. If an applicant successfully passes one or more, but not all, of the fields, they are eligible to pursue registration and practice in those specific fields they have passed. However, they will not be eligible to practice in any fields where they did not achieve a passing score.

Applicants who do not pass a specific field will be provided with a learning plan to address areas needing improvement and may retake the field-of-practice exam after completing their learning plan.

Scoring Method

Each question on the CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments (Examinations) is worth one point. Applicants’ total scores are calculated by summing the points from all correctly answered questions. The raw scores are then used in conjunction with the pre-determined passing score, set using the Angoff method, to determine whether an applicant has passed the exam in the field of practice.

Passing Scores

The passing score in each field of practice is set by a panel of subject matter experts in that field who were nominated by CAMLPR member organizations. The pass (cut) score will be established using the traditional Angoff method. A group of subject matter experts examines each question to determine how a “minimally competent” test taker (someone who just meets the basic knowledge or skill required to be considered safe to practice) would perform. The experts estimate the percentage of these test takers who would answer each question correctly. After reviewing all the questions, the estimates are averaged to arrive at the passing score.

Ongoing Analysis and Adjustment

As data are collected from test-takers, a psychometrician will analyze the results to ensure the exam’s fairness and reliability. Based on this analysis, the psychometrician will advise CAMLPR on any necessary adjustments to the examination content or the passing score to maintain the assessment’s standards.


Applicants have the right to appeal decisions related to their examination results. Details about the appeals policy and process will be published on the CAMLPR website when competency assessments (examinations) begin.

Exam Scheduling and Administration

After the competency assessments (examinations) become available to applicants, different forms of each examination will be offered multiple times throughout the year to accommodate applicants, with exams available in-person or online to applicants located in Canada.

The exams will be computer-based and administered through a secure platform and proctored by a third-party provider specializing in secure exam solutions.

Detailed information about examination dates, registration deadlines, and testing locations will be provided on the CAMLPR website as it becomes available.

Further details will be provided about proctoring.

Exam Fees

Exam fees are the same for all categories of applicants:

  • Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists (IEMLTs)
  • Canadian-Educated Applicants with MLT Education
  • Applicants with Non-traditional Education

For exam fees, please refer to Application Fees.