Flexible Pathways to Registration for MLTs: Application Stages and Fees

Application Stages

The CAMLPR Pathway will take effect on the following dates:

  • Beginning November 1, 2025, all internationally educated medical laboratory technologists (IEMLTs) and non-traditionally educated applicants (BSc, MSc, PhD) must follow the CAMLPR Pathways application and registration processes. These include prior learning assessments and competency assessments (entry- to-practice exam).
  • Beginning March 1, 2026, CAMLPR will administer the CAMLPR competency assessments (examinations) to all registration applicants, including those educated in Canada, based on the new CAMLPR fields-of-practice competency profiles.

The main stages in the CAMLPR pathway to registration as a Medical Laboratory Technologist in Canada will be as follows:

1. Review application process.

Visit the CAMLPR website to review the full application process and requirements.

2. Create an applicant account.

Set up a secure, personalized account to access the submission portal. Account creation allows an applicant to upload required documentation, complete a readiness assessment, and access province-specific registration information.

3. Complete the online self-administered readiness assessment.

Internationally educated MLTs (IEMLTs) and applicants with non-traditional education (non-traditional applicants) must complete a self-assessment in their chosen fields of practice.

Canadian-educated applicants that have completed a CAMLPR-approved Canadian MLT program have the option to complete a self-assessment in their chosen fields of practice.

The results are for personal guidance only and will not be used by CAMLPR or Canadian Alliance of Medical Laboratory Professionals Regulators Page 2 of 4 regulators to determine eligibility.

4. Submit evidence of education credentials (all applicants) and undergo prior learning assessments (IEMLTs and non-traditional applicants).

All applicants must provide proof of their education.

Internationally educated MLTs (IEMLTs) and applicants with non-traditional education (non-traditional applicants) must undergo a prior learning assessment to demonstrate that their preparation is substantially equivalent to a CAMLPR-approved Canadian MLT program. Substantial equivalency means that an applicant’s education and experience are comparable to those of an applicant who has successfully completed a CAMLPR-approved Canadian MLT program. The process assesses whether the knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired through the applicant’s education and work experience in a different country or system meet the same standards as those applicants who have successfully completed an approved Canadian MLT program. This process allows internationally educated or non-traditional education applicants to demonstrate that they meet the same required entry-to-practice competencies.

5. Complete recommended learning plan (if applicable).

If gaps are identified during the prior learning assessment, applicants may be required to complete a tailored learning plan.

6. Take the fields-of-practice competency exams.

CAMLPR Fields-of-Practice Competency Assessments (Examinations) assess whether applicants have the required competencies to practice safely and effectively within specific fields of practice.

7. Complete online modules on professional practice.

Applicants must complete modules on topics such as professional responsibilities and ethics, regulation in the public interest, quality and safety in laboratory practice, and patient-centered care.

8. Apply for registration with the provincial regulator.

Once all requirements (education and prior learning assessment, assessments, exams, and professional practice modules) are completed, applicants can apply through the relevant provincial regulator’s portal for registration in their approved fields of practice.

Further details will be provided on each stage of the applicant pathway. Please check back for new information.

Application Fees

This section outlines fees associated with the Flexible Pathways to Registration for Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs). These fees cover three stages of the application process, including account creation, prior learning assessment, and competency assessments (examinations).

Exam fees are determined by the duration of the exam, which varies based on the selected field of practice and the combination of fields chosen (bundle). The prior learning assessment fee only applies to internationally educated medical laboratory technologists and applicants with non-traditional education. Applicant categories are explained here.

StageApplicant Category
applicants with MLT
Internationally Educated
Medical Laboratory
Applicants with
Non-Traditional Education
Account Creation$75*$175
Prior Learning AssessmentNot applicable if program completed within required timeframe$900
Competency Assessment (Examination)
Single Field (one of Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Transfusion Medicine, Clinical Microbiology, Histology, Cytogenetics, Molecular Diagnostics)$475$475
Single Field (Cytology)$612$612
Bundle – MLT Clinical Genetics (Cytogenetics & Molecular Diagnostics)$612$612
Bundle – MLT Core Lab (Clinical Chemistry, Hematology & Transfusion Medicine)$755$755
Bundle – MLT Diagnostic Cytology (Cytology & Histology)$755$755
Bundle – MLT Core Lab and Clinical Microbiology
(Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Transfusion Medicine, & Clinical Microbiology)
MLT General (Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Transfusion Medicine, Clinical Microbiology, & Histology)$989$989
*Fee has been adjusted.

Please note that the fees listed apply specifically to services provided by CAMLPR and do not include additional costs that applicants may incur for obtaining and verifying documents, language assessments, regulatory fees, or other related expenses. All fees are in Canadian dollars, excluding taxes, and are subject to change.

Applicants may also choose to take multiple fields-of-practice competency assessments across multiple exam sessions, though this may affect the exam fees.