The Canadian Alliance of Medical Laboratory Professionals Regulators (CAMLPR) represents provincial regulatory bodies (also called Colleges) for Medical Laboratory Technologists in Canada.
The role of CAMLPR is to establish standards for the knowledge, skills, and judgement in the practice of medical laboratory technology. CAMLPR is focused on fair, efficient, effective, ethical, transparent, and inclusive regulatory approaches and practices for medical laboratory professional regulation across Canada.
CAMLPR is accountable to its member organizations, the professional regulatory bodies for MLTs. Each regulatory body has a board/council that includes professional and public representatives. To serve and protect the public, these boards establish, maintain, and enforce:
- standards for registration
- standards for continuing competency
- standards of practice for registrants
Regulatory bodies are accountable to their respective ministries of health and fairness commissioners, and must comply with privacy, human rights, and other applicable legislation.
Member Organizations
Regulators of medical laboratory technology professionals across Canada are member organizations of CAMLPR.
- Manitoba: College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Manitoba (CMLTM)
- Newfoundland and Labrador: Newfoundland and Labrador College of Medical Laboratory Sciences (NLCMLS)
- New Brunswick: New Brunswick Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists (NBSMLT)
- Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia College of Medical Laboratory Technologists (NSCMLT)
- Ontario: College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (CMLTO)
- Prince Edward Island: College of Allied Health Professionals of Prince Edward Island (CAHPPEI)
- Quebec: Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux du Québec (OPTMQ)
- Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists (SSMLT)
These regulatory bodies have both the duty and the authority, under legislation, to prescribe the qualifications, standards, competencies, and other requirements that must be met and maintained for Medical Laboratory Technologists to be eligible to practice in a regulated jurisdiction.
These jurisdictions do not yet include medical laboratory professionals as regulated healthcare providers, but the organizations are invited to participate in CAMLPR meetings as observers:
- British Columbia: British Columbia Society of Laboratory Science (BCSLS)